Welcome to A Slice of Life - Your Anxiety Master Podcast

Overcome Addiction: Three Essential Steps to Recovery

Do you or someone you know struggle with addiction? If so, this video is a must-watch.

Suppose you have a compulsive habit or addiction. In that case, you'll know how distressing it is to be chained to a behaviour that robs you of well-being.

You want to stop but can't.
You sense it's not right, but you still return to it.
You know it's dragging you down, yet it seems to prop you up.

The upshot: Guilt, shame, and a preoccupied mind, as a toxic habit chomps on your focus and control.

So what on earth is going on - and how can you start to reclaim control?

This video shares the story of one young man's journey out of porn addiction.
It covers: What keeps you hooked and the THREE CRITICAL STEPS you must take to crush addiction.
--- Timings ---

00:00 - Intro
00:39 - The Expectation Pathway
02:33 - Crush Addiction - Step 1
05:27 - Crush Addiction - Step 2
06:47 - Crush Addiction - Step 3
07:37 - Relapse triggers
This video is part three of a five-part series. It's designed to be watched in order, so check out the first two videos!

Video 1: https://youtu.be/e-w1aLuCgwc

Video 2: https://youtu.be/7ea_WY_Tu7A
Recommended book (no affiliate): Freedom from Addiction: The Secret Behind Successful Addiction Busting (Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell)